Skin is one of the sense organ of body which forms a protective covering over human body. The main function of skin is to protect the body from external environmental factors such as hot and cold. It also gives a single look to the body. But Skin may suffer several diseases. So in order to keep away from these diseases, skin should be cared well. Regular cleaning of skin can take off the dirt and can avoid the diseases up to safe bet extent. Cosmetics can be used to protect the skin. Some of the cosmetic products available in the markets are facial powder, facial creams, nail polish bath oils and so on.
Skin should be properly cleaned at least two times in a day and we want to done this as a part of our daily routine. There are several types of cosmetic materials available in the store to prevent the skin. Some of them are facial powders, facial creams, perfumes, nail polish, hair spray, gels and bath oils. Facial powder is the most ordinarily used cosmetic material which gives brightness to skin and the facial cream is used for cleaning the face. You can use facial cream to make the face freshness and to give oily to the skin.
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