Saturday, November 29, 2014

7 beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

Acne Skin Care Tips - 7 beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

Acne. Boy do I hate it. Those pimples popping up all over my face back in my teenaged years. Even now, I do get acne outbreaks when I am stressed, or use the wrong skin care product. I've been to many doctors who are able to clear my acne, until the next outbreak.

Part of the speculate is oily skin. Greasy skin that traps dirt and skin debris clogging up pores make your skin pores an excellent breeding place for bacteria. The bacteria multiplies and voila. You have acne.

7 beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

All is not lost. If you have oily skin that is prone to acne, here are 7 beauty tips to help keep the pimples away.

7 beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

1. Keep your Hands off your face.

You hands, after touching so many things, opening the door, picking up a bag, things we do everyday, are covered with bacteria. The last thing you want is to put that bacteria on your face. Touch your face often with your hands, or worse still, pick those pimples with your fingers, and you will see the pimples multiply.

2. Keep your Hair off your face.

If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Oily hair brushing against your face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat and skin debris are a great way to clog the pores in your skin, important to more pimples. If you notice pimples appearing on your forehead, or your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. Wear a hairband, use hair clips to keep your hair off your face, tie it into a pony tail, or get a hair cut.

3. Wash your face 3 times a day with a good acne cleanser.

I got that tip from a doctor. I washed my face when I woke up, at lunch time and at bedtime with a cleanser that is meant for skin that has acne. My skin cleared when I stuck to the routine and used only skin care products meant for skin with acne. A bar of soap meant for washing your face does the trick just as well.

4. Stick to acne skin care

Every time I stray from that point, I end up with a major acne outbreak. Always. Everytime I see my pals with exceptionally radiant skin, I want to use anything they use. I would switch to richer, anti aging skin care as a preventive measure, worried about wrinkles appearing when I get older. That backfires every time. I end up with more pimples. Stick to good acne skin care products [].


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