Most products used medically in acne stoppage and treatment contain exact compounds that address the problem. Their presence in a goods will be mentioned on the packaging.
One of these compounds is benzoyl peroxide, sometimes in aggregate with the antibiotic erythromycin. The beloved Clearasil contains this agent. The main disadvantage of using products containing it is that benzoyl peroxide can be a Major skin irritant, since peroxide is basically an oxidant which can damage wholesome skin tissue. Though they are very effective in many cases, the pros and cons of using benzoyl peroxide-based products must be thought about weighed by a dermatologist before they are admittedly employed.
Acne Skin Care Products
Tretinoin is another chemical aggregate which has found favor with dermatologists, since it has a dermabrasive (i.e. skin peeling) ensue and allows pores to decongest. Invariably, tretinoin causes an aggravation of the acne before it begins to work beneficially. It can also yield some unpleasant side effects like temporary pigment changes and flushing, stinging, swelling and scaling of skin. This is unbelievable and no cause for alarm. Products containing tretinoin are ready in the form of gels, lotions and creams for topical application and their consistent use can yield suitable results in less than a month. Tretinoin treatment is for a medically specified time duration only, and should not be employed beyond that.
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